Our "Good Neighbor" policy
The Program operates under a Good Neighbor policy that emphasizes prevention, as opposed to the correction, of actions that cause adverse effects to our neighbors and the greater community. Core aspects of the policy include:
- The Program only acquires land from willing sellers.
- The Program pays property taxes to avoid shifting tax burdens to adjacent landowners or communities.
- The Program diligently seeks to avoid causing adverse effects to neighboring properties. If unanticipated adverse effects do occur, the Program and its contractors carry insurance to cover damages resulting from our actions. The Program also maintains a million-dollar cash set-aside to cover any damages resulting from system-scale management actions like pulse flow releases.
- The Program recognizes that river-based recreation opportunities are rare in central Nebraska and provides high-quality public access opportunities through a partnership with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.
The Good Neighbor policy is described in greater detail in Section IV of the Program’s Land Plan.
Explore the Program Area Map to learn of PRRIP properties near you.
How to access PRRIP land for hunting, wildlife watching, and other recreation
In 2011, the Program formed a partnership with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) to open Program-owned lands for public recreation. The resulting Platte River Recreation Access (PRRA) program includes around 6,000 acres of recreation access areas distributed across six counties in central Nebraska. Recreation opportunities vary by site and include hunting, fishing, mushroom collecting, bird watching, and hiking. Overnight camping is not allowed at any of the sites.

Interested in selling or leasing land to PRRIP?
One of the primary objectives for the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program is to protect, restore where appropriate, and maintain at least 10,000 acres of habitat in the central Platte River area between Lexington and Chapman. This area of interest generally includes lands on and within three miles on either side of the Platte River. The Program can achieve this goal through a number of methods, including purchasing land outright, as well as through easements or leases.
Once an interest is acquired in a property, the Program may undertake restoration activities to make the land suitable habitat for the endangered whooping crane, least tern, or threatened piping plover. These activities typically include clearing and maintaining in-channel islands and sandbars free of vegetation, and/or clearing tall woody vegetation away from river banks to maintain wide-open channel areas.
If you have land that you are interested in selling or leasing to the Program, please contact us using this form: