Economics, Social Analysis, and Scoping
PRRIP 2006_Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Vol 3_Economics_ Social Analysis_and Scoping.zip39.08 MB
PRRIP 2006_Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Vol 3_Land.zip18.1 MB
River Geomorphology-Part 1
PRRIP 2006_Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Vol 3_ River Geomorphology Part 1.zip47.96 KB
Water Resource and Water Quality
PRRIP 2006_Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Vol 3_Water Resource and Water Quality.zip24.22 MB
PRRIP 2006_Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Vol 3_Species.zip110.4 MB
Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement: Wetland Analysis Platte River Recovery Implementation Program
PRRIP 2006_FEIS Vol 3 - Wetlands Appendix.pdf129.27 KB
Agricultural Economics Technical Appendix
PRRIP 2006_FEIS Vol 3 - Agricultural Economics Appendix.pdf1.1 MB
Social Analysis Technical Appendix
PRRIP 2006_FEIS Vol 3 - Social Analysis Appendix.pdf8.54 MB
Indian Trust Assets Appendix for the FEIS
PRRIP 2006_FEIS Vol 3 - Indian Trust Assets Appendix.pdf5.32 MB
Environmental Justice Appendix to the FEIS
PRRIP 2006_FEIS Vol 3 - Environmental Justice Appendix.pdf1.95 MB
Cultural Resources Appendix to the FEIS
PRRIP 2006_FEIS Vol 3 - Cultural Resources Appendix.pdf7.39 MB
Hydropower Appendix for the FEIS
PRRIP 2006_FEIS Vol 3 - Hydropower Appendix.pdf1.67 MB
Analysis Of Impacts To Riverine Fish Communities In The Central Platte River
PRRIP 2005_FEIS Vol 3 - Central Platte Fishery Appendix.pdf1.25 MB
Analysis Of Impacts To Lacustrine and Riverine Fish Communities In The North Platte River
PRRIP 2005_FEIS Vol 3 - North Platte River Fish Impacts Appendix.pdf2.64 MB
Identification and Evaluation of Potential Third Party Impacts Related to the Habitat Component of the Proposed Platte River Recovery Implementation Plan
USBR 2000_Potential Third Party Impacts of Program.pdf16.14 MB
Cooperative Agreement for Platte River Research and Other Efforts Relating to Endangered Species Habitats Along the Central Platte River, Nebraska
Cooperative 1997_Coop Agreement for Platte River.pdf219.55 KB