10-22 and 23-2024 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
10-22 and 23-2024 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
10-22 and 23-2024 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
07-16-24 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
2024 PRRIP Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol - Migrational Habitat Use in the Central Platte River Valley_FINAL_9.10.24
05-7_8-2024 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol - Fall 2023 Final Report
01-16_17-24 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
A Sediment Augmentation Experiment Alternatives Screening Study (Screening Study) was conducted to evaluate alternatives to reduce the approximately 150,000-ton/year average annual sediment deficit in the Platte River reach between Lexington and Odessa, Nebraska. The Screening Study recommended that a Pilot Study be conducted to evaluate the means and methods of sediment augmentation as a way to reduce uncertainties associated with full-scale implementation.
10-10-23 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL