North Platte Chokepoint Engineering Services

ID number
Opportunity Type
Submission Deadline

The Platte River Recovery Implementation Program (Program) is soliciting proposals from Consultants to provide engineering services associated with re-evaluation of past alternatives and development of new alternatives to increase conveyance capacity through the North Platte chokepoint reach. For the purposes of this study, the North Platte chokepoint extends from below the Tri-County Canal diversion dam on the Platte River to a few miles upstream of the Highway 83 bridge that crosses the North Platte River at North Platte, Nebraska.

The full scope and appropriate methods for performing analyses will be developed jointly by the Program's Executive Director's Office (EDO), the Chokepoint Planning Workgroup, and the Consultant after selection and prior to performing the analyses.

Proposals will be accepted until 5:00 P.M. Central Time on Friday, April 14, 2023.

A mandatory virtual pre-proposal meeting for interested parties will be held via Microsoft Teams on Thursday, March 30, 2023 from 12:00-1:30 P.M. Central Time.