Technical Advisory Committee Charter

I. Background

The Platte River Recovery Implementation Program (Program) establishes a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to accomplish the purposes specified in this charter. The TAC will provide assistance and advice to the Governance Committee on issues related to biological response monitoring and research provided for in the Adaptive Management Plan, peer review, and other tasks as requested.

II. Committee structure

  1. Each member of the Governance Committee may appoint a member and alternate to the TAC. The Governance Committee may appoint additional members, as it deems appropriate. The TAC Chairperson will maintain a current list of the TAC members and alternates.
  2. The TAC shall select a Chairperson annually, with such selection being noted in the official minutes of the meeting where elections are held.
  3. The Executive Director will provide staff support to the TAC.
  4. Non-committee members with appropriate technical expertise are encouraged to serve on subgroups, workgroups, etc. However, non-committee members will not be included in final determination of consensus.
  5. The TAC may seek technical assistance from other Program participants.

III. Committee purposes

The TAC will provide assistance and advice on monitoring, research, peer review, and adaptive management matters as directed by the Governance Committee. Potential TAC tasks include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Advise the Governance Committee on implementation of the Integrated Monitoring and Research Plan (First Increment Milestone 6), and associated subtasks.
  2. Review and advise the Governance Committee on monitoring and research reports.
  3. Advise the Governance Committee on adaptive management issues.​
  4. ​​​​​​Review and advise the Governance Committee on research and monitoring protocols developed by Program staff or contractors.
  5. Review and advise the Governance Committee on land and water management plans as they relate to monitoring and research activities.
  6. Advise the Governance Committee, other committees, and staff on implementation of the Peer Review Guidelines for protocols, models, reports, and other documents being peer-reviewed, including advice on those reviews.
  7. Provide consultation and advice to the Executive Director.
  8. Complete other tasks as directed by the Governance Committee.

IV. Committee procedures

  1. The TAC will meet as needed to accomplish its purposes outlined in Section III of this charter.
  2. TAC meetings will be open to other interested parties except when discussing confidential matters. Meetings in which interested parties from the public attend will include an open comment period.
  3. Agendas, meeting minutes, reports, and other information will be maintained by the Executive Director and will be furnished to TAC members prior to scheduled meetings and to other interested parties upon request. Information will also be posted on the Platte River web site.
  4. The decisions of the committee, including those regarding recommendations to the Governance Committee, must be by consensus of TAC members. Consensus is the unanimous consent of the members at the meeting when the action or determination is made. Any issue that cannot be resolved with consensus agreement shall be elevated to the Governance Committee. The TAC will present all viewpoints on such unresolved issues to the Governance Committee without identifying majority or minority views.
  5. TAC meetings will be held at locations convenient to effective completion of agendas and, when possible will rotate among the three states. Meetings maybe held in person, via conference calls, videoconferencing, or other long-distance communication systems.
  6. The TAC may form subgroups to accomplish assignments from the Governance Committee. The TAC Chair will appoint the subgroups and will appoint a person from the subgroup to chair the effort. The subgroup chair will be responsible for the recommendations produced by the subgroup. The recommendations produced by the subgroup will be reviewed and approved by the TAC.
  7. Draft and final documents related to TAC recommendations, including those offered by subgroups, will be sent to the Chair for compilation and distribution, unless otherwise directed. Final TAC recommendations will be provided to the Governance Committee, which will distribute those products as it deems appropriate.
  8. TAC members not otherwise reimbursed by agencies or institutions may request reimbursement of actual expenses and per diem associated with attending TAC meetings or other activities as directed by the TAC or Governance Committee. The Governance Committee will work with the four government entities to develop the procedure for reimbursement requests.


The organizational structure of the Program is presented in Attachment 6 to the Program Document (see page 713).