Adaptive Management
07-16-24 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
07-16-24 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
Final Sediment Augmentation Pilot Study Report
A Sediment Augmentation Experiment Alternatives Screening Study (Screening Study) was conducted to evaluate alternatives to reduce the approximately 150,000-ton/year average annual sediment deficit in the Platte River reach between Lexington and Odessa, Nebraska. The Screening Study recommended that a Pilot Study be conducted to evaluate the means and methods of sediment augmentation as a way to reduce uncertainties associated with full-scale implementation.
04-12-23 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
04-12-23 PRRIP TAC Meeting Minutes FINAL
ISAC Responses to Questions Posed by the PRRIP in July 2015
The Platte River Recovery Implementation Program (PRRIP or Program) requested written input from the Independent Science Advisory Committee (ISAC) on five questions. These questions were the focus of discussions during the ISAC meeting in Kearney, NE, held on July 13-15, 2015.