Program document library

Title Document(s) Publication Date
Updates on the distribution and population status of the Platte River Caddisfly, Ironoquia plattensis, and an assessment of threats to its survival Vivian 2010_Caddisfly Updates and Assessment of Threats.pdf5.84 MB
Sediment Augmentation Experiment Alternatives Screening Report Sediment Augmentation Experiment Alternatives Screening Report.pdf17.25 MB
PRRIP CNPPID Reregulating Reservoir Elwood and J-2 Alternatives Analysis Project Report PRRIP 2010_Elwood and J-2 Alternatives Analysis.pdf58.87 MB
Year 1 (2009) Report Channel Geomorphology and In-Channel Vegetation Monitoring of the Central Platte River PRRIP 2010_Year 1 (2009) Report on Geomorphology and Vegetation Monitoring.pdf2.04 MB
Restoration and Management Plan for Elm Creek Complex PRRIP 2010_Restoration and Management Plan for Elm Creek Complex.pdf4.78 MB
2009 November LAC Minutes 2009 November LAC Minutes.pdf93.19 KB
PRRIP 2008-2009 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report PRRIP 2008-2009 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report.pdf3.35 MB
2010 January TAC Minutes 2010 January TAC Minutes.pdf139.53 KB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Fall 2009 PRRIP 2010_Fall 2009 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf592.99 KB
Feasibility Study-Elm Creek Regulatory Reservoir: Elm Creek Watershed-Dawson and Buffalo Counties PRRIP 2010_Elm Creek Reservoir Feasibility Study.pdf4.18 MB
Platte River Recovery Implementation Program 2010 Budget and Work Plan PRRIP 2010 Work Plan.pdf217.59 KB
Lower Platte River Stage Change Study Final Protocol Implementation Report HDR Engineering 2009_Lower Platte Stage Change Study.pdf44.7 MB
2009 October GC Minutes 2009 October GC Minutes.pdf65.98 KB
2009 November TAC Minutes 2009 November TAC Minutes.pdf72.71 KB
2009 Platte River Flow Routing Test: Results, Information Gleaned, Lessons Learned PRRIP 2009_2009 Platte River Flow Routing Test.pdf4.19 MB
2009 September WAC Minutes 2009 September WAC Minutes.pdf27.82 KB
2009 September LAC Minutes 2009 September LAC Minutes.pdf85.84 KB
2009 ISAC Presentation 2009 ISAC Presentation_0.pdf1.55 MB
2009 August GC Minutes 2009 August GC Minutes.pdf43.09 KB
2009 September TAC Minutes 2009 September TAC Minutes.pdf72.36 KB