Program document library

Title Document(s) Publication Date
Remote Tracking of Aransas-Wood Buffalo Whooping Cranes 2013 Winter Season and 2014 Spring Migration Update USGS 2014_ 2013 Winter and 2014 Spring Update.pdf478.74 KB
Nebraska Groundwater Recharge: 2013-2014 Phelps County Canal Recharge Report PRRIP 2014_Phelps County Canal Recharge Report for 2013-2014.pdf12.31 MB
Final Sediment Augmentation Pilot Study Report 20140425_PRRIP Final Sediment Augmentation Pilot Study Report.pdf25.06 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Fall 2013 PRRIP 2014_Fall 2013 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf1.01 MB
Pathfinder Municipal Account Recommended Score and Scoring Analysis Memo PRRIP 2014_Pathfinder Recommended Score Analysis Memo.pdf1.92 MB
PRRIP 2013 State of the Platte Report FINAL PRRIP 2014_State of of Platte Report from 2013.pdf3.25 MB
Remote Tracking of Aransas-Wood Buffalo Whooping Cranes 2013 Breeding Season and Fall Migration Update USGS 2014- 2013 Breeding and Fall Migration Season Update.pdf573.93 KB
PRRIP 2013 State of the Platte Report PRRIP 2014_State of the Platte Report for 2013.pdf3.29 MB
Groundwater Evaluation Report South Central Nebraska(FINAL) CNPPID 2014_Groundwater Evaluation Report SC NE_Final.pdf15.56 MB
Report to the Colorado Legislature HB12‐1278 Study of the South Platte River Alluvial Aquifer CWI 2013_Report to CO Legislature HB12‐1278 Study of Alluvial Aquifer.pdf15.75 MB
Phelps Recharge Score Analysis Memo - FINAL PRRIP 2013_Phelps Recharge Score Analysis Memo_Final.pdf4.3 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Spring 2013 PRRIP 2013_Spring 2013 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf2.45 MB
2013 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC 2013 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC.pdf954.12 KB
PRRIP Platte River Water Quality Monitoring 2009, 2010, and 2011 Monitoring Seasons-Baseline Summary Report PRRIP 2013_ Water Quality Monitoring Baseline Date Summary Report 2009, 2010, and 2011.pdf5.24 MB
PRRIP Grassland Vegetation Assessment Final Report 2013 PRRIP 2013_Grassland Vegetation Assessment_Final.pdf3.84 MB
Kearney Canal Water Quality 2012 Monitoring Season_Annual Data Summary Report PRRIP 2013_Water Quality 2012 Data for Kearney Canal_Final.pdf18.31 MB
PRRIP Platte River Water Quality Monitoring 2012 Monitoring Season-Annual Data Summary Report PRRIP 2013_Water Quality_2012 Data Summary Report_FINAL.pdf33.96 MB
Remote Tracking of Aransas-Wood Buffalo Whooping Cranes 2012 Winter Season and 2013 Spring Migration Update USGS 2012 - 2012 Winter and 2013 Spring Update.pdf463.43 KB
Nebraska Groundwater Recharge: 2012-2013 Phelps County Canal Recharge Report PRRIP 2013_Phelps County Canal Recharge Report.pdf9.08 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Winter 2013 PRRIP 2013_Winter 2013 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf874.76 KB