Program document library

Title Document(s) Publication Date
2018 August LAC Minutes 2018 August LAC Minutes.pdf112.01 KB
2018 August WAC Minutes 2018 August WAC Minutes57.1 KB
Restoration and Management Framework for PRRIP Habitat Lands 9_2018 FINAL PRRIP Restoration and Management Framework.pdf15.27 MB
June 12-13 2018 GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes FINAL June 12-13 2018 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes.pdf358.22 KB
August 14 2018 GC Special Session Minutes FINAL August 14 2018 PRRIP GC Special Session Minutes.pdf265.29 KB
PRRIP First Increment Extension Supplemental Biological Opinion final_prrip_extension_supplemental_opinion.pdf10.36 MB
2018 May WAC Minutes 2018 May WAC Minutes62.3 KB
August 14 2018 PRRIP GC Special Session Agenda 00 - August 14 2018 PRRIP GC Special Session Conference Call Agenda.pdf134.8 KB
Platte River Basin and PRRIP Associated Habitats Reach Map Platte River Watersheds and PRRIP associated habitat areas map - Raster, JPG4.27 MB Platte River Watersheds and PRRIP associated habitat areas map - Vector, Adobe Illustrator PDF53.56 MB
March 13-14 GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes FINAL March 13-14 2018 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes.pdf314.69 KB
Farnsworth et al 2018 - Reproductive ecology of interior least tern and piping plover in response to Platte River hydrology and sandbar dynamics Response to the letter to the editor Farnsworth et al 2018 - Reproductive ecology of interior least tern and piping plover in response to Platte River hydrology and sandbar dynamics Response to the letter to the editor.pdf433.97 KB
2018 February WAC Minutes 2018 February WAC Minutes.pdf60.79 KB
FINAL December 05 2017 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes FINAL December 05 2017 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes.pdf327.15 KB
2017 October WAC Minutes 2017 October WAC Minutes.pdf54.67 KB
2017 November TAC Minutes 2017 November TAC Minutes.pdf440.3 KB
PRRIP 2017 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report PRRIP 2017 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report.pdf3.65 MB
FINAL December 6-7 2016 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes FINAL December 6-7 2016 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes.pdf520.97 KB
FINAL June 6-7 2017 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes FINAL June 6-7 2017 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes.pdf669.44 KB
FINAL March 7-8 2017 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes FINAL March 7-8 2017 PRRIP GC Quarterly Meeting Minutes.pdf706.19 KB
FINAL April 6 2017 PRRIP GC Conference Call Minutes FINAL April 6 2017 PRRIP GC Conference Call Minutes.pdf372.8 KB