Program document library

Title Document(s) Publication Date
PRRIP 2015 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report PRRIP 2016_Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report for 2015.pdf3.19 MB
2014 Geomorphology and In-Channel Vegetation Monitoring Report FINAL Platte_River_Geomorph_Veg_2014.pdf10.8 MB
Colorado Depletions Plan Updated December 1 2015 PRRIP 2015_Colorado Depletions Plan Updated 12-1-2015.pdf107.56 KB
2015 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC 2015 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC.pdf795.61 KB
ISAC Responses to Questions Posed by the PRRIP in July 2015 2015 August ISAC Report.pdf891.02 KB
A comparison of breeding population estimators using nest and brood monitoring data Baasch et al 2015_Comparison of Breeding Population Estimators.pdf723.8 KB
PRRIP 2014 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report PRRIP 2015_Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report for 2014.pdf3.04 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol Fall 2014 (FINAL) PRRIP 2015_Fall 2014 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation (Final).pdf890.51 KB
Remote Tracking of Aransas-Wood Buffalo Whooping Cranes 2014-2015 Project Update USGS 2015_2014-2015 Update.pdf1.17 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol Spring 2015 Final PRRIP 2015_Spring 2015 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf885.04 KB
Elm Creek Complex FSM Proof of Concept Report Elm Creek FSM Final Report.pdf18.72 MB
PRRIP 2013 2014 Biennial Report PRRIP 2013 2014 Biennial Report.pdf3.09 MB
2014 Water Action Plan Project Update: Active, Future & Inactive WAP Projects PRRIP 2015_WAP Update for 2014.pdf6.93 MB
PRRIP Tern and Plover Habitat Synthesis Chapters PRRIP 2015_Tern and Plover Habitat Synthesis Chapters.pdf9.76 MB
2014 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC 2014 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC.pdf1.19 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol - Spring 2014 PRRIP 2014_Spring 2014 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf1.58 MB
Channel Geomorphology and In-Channel Vegetation 2013 Final Data Analysis Report Tetra Tech 2014_ Final 2013 Data Analysis Report.pdf11.57 MB
Can Short Duration High Flows Be Used to Remove Vegetation from Bars in the Central Platte River? (DRAFT) Bankhead et al 2014_PRRIP Directed Vegetation Research Study_Draft.pdf5.04 MB
PRRIP Grassland Vegetation Assessment Report 2014 PRRIP 2014_Grassland Vegetation Assessment Final.pdf1.74 MB
PRRIP 2012-2013 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report PRRIP 2014_LTPP Monitoring and Research Report for 2012-2013.pdf3.64 MB