Program document library

Title Document(s) Publication Date
2010 June LAC Minutes) 2010 June LAC Minutes.pdf35.96 KB
2010 May WAC Minutes 2010 May WAC Minutes.pdf46.3 KB
PRRIP Platte River Water Quality 2009 Monitoring Season Annual Data Summary Report PRRIP 2010_Water Quality_2009 Data Summary Report_FINAL.pdf3.12 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Spring 2010 PRRIP 2010_Spring 2010 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf1.44 MB
2010 April LAC Minutes 2010 April LAC Minutes.pdf99.96 KB
2010 March GC Minutes 2010 March GC Minutes.pdf319.85 KB
2010 Parameter-based Research on Nest-site tand Reproductive Success of Interior Least Terns and Piping Plovers on the Central Platte River, Nebraska PRRIP 2010_LTPP Nest Site Seletion and Reproductive Success_Pilot Study_DRAFT.pdf574.88 KB
2010 May TAC Minutes 2010 May TAC Minutes.pdf69.34 KB
Monitoring the Abundance, Distribution, Reproductive Success, and Reproductive Habitat Parameters of Least Terns and Piping Plovers on the Central Platte River PRRIP 2010_LTPP Monitoring Protocol_Final.pdf2.24 MB
Monitoring the channel geomorphology and in-channel vegetation of the central Platte River PRRIP 2010_Channel geomorphology and Veg Monitoring Protocol (FINAL).pdf167.29 KB
Study Design for Directed Vegetation Research on the Platte River Bankhead et al 2010_Veg Research Study Design.pdf171.1 KB
2010 January LAC Minutes 2010 January LAC Minutes.pdf57.41 KB
2010 February WAC Minutes Reference Notes 2010 February WAC Minutes Reference Notes.pdf42.3 KB
2010-2014 Conceptual Restoration and Management Plan For Fort Kearney Complex PRRIP 2010_Restoration and Management Plan for Fort Kearny Complex.pdf3.12 MB
2009-2014 Operations and Maintenance Plan For Tract 2009003 PRRIP 2010_Tract 2009003 Management Plan.pdf2.26 MB
2009 December GC Minutes 2009 December GC Minutes.pdf87.93 KB
Platte River from the Lexinton to Odessa Bridges Sediment Augmentation Experiment Alternatives Screening Study Summary Report PRRIP 2010_Sed Aug Feasibility Study Report (Final).pdf7.39 MB
2009 PRRIP Water Action Plan Update PRRIP 2010_ 2009 WAC Update.pdf539.4 KB
Response to Findings in the Final 2009 Independent Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) Report to the Governance Committee PRRIP 2010_PRRIP Response to 2009 ISAC Findings.pdf330.46 KB
2009 November WAC Minutes 2009 November WAC Minutes.pdf28.28 KB