Program document library

Title Document(s) Publication Date
2009 April TAC Minutes 2009 April TAC Minutes.pdf54.75 KB
2009 July LAC Minutes 2009 July LAC Minutes.pdf49.77 KB
2009 July WAC Minutes 2009 July WAC Minutes.pdf24.12 KB
2009 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC 2009 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC.pdf1.77 MB
Independent Science Advisory Committee 2009 Report on the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program ISAC 2009_2009 ISAC Report on PRRIP.pdf1.76 MB
Piping Plover (Charandrius melodus) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation USFWS 2009_2009 Piping Plover 5-Year Review.pdf1.09 MB
2009 June GC Minutes 2009 June GC Minutes.pdf50.09 KB
2009 May WAC Minutes 2009 May WAC Minutes.pdf24.28 KB
2009 May LAC Minutes 2009 May LAC Minutes.pdf91.89 KB
2009 May LAC Conference Call Minutes 2009 May LAC Conference Call Minutes.pdf56.9 KB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Spring 2009 PRRIP 2009_Spring 2009 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf1.27 MB
2009 April GC Conference Call Minutes 2009 April GC Conference Call Minutes.pdf29.32 KB
2009 April GC Minutes 2009 April GC Minutes.pdf71.76 KB
2009 March LAC Minutes 2009 March LAC Minutes.pdf49.16 KB
Monitoring Reproductive Success and Reproductive Habitat Parameters of Terns and Plovers in the Central Platte River (2009) PRRIP 2009_LTPP Reproductive Success and Habitat Parameters (DRAFT).pdf58.33 KB
2009 January WAC Minutes 2009 January WAC Minutes.pdf21.36 KB
2009 February TAC Minutes 2009 February TAC Minutes.pdf53.42 KB
2009 February GC Minutes 2009 February GC Minutes.pdf66.49 KB
Protocol for Aerial Photography in the Central Platte River Valley PRRIP 2009_Aerial Photography Protocol.pdf118.31 KB
Land Management Plan for Nebraska Public Power District Cottonwood Ranch Property PRRIP 2009_Cottonwood Land Management Plan.pdf9.37 MB