Program document library

Title Document(s) Publication Date
2017 April WAC Minutes 2017 April WAC Minutes.pdf467.26 KB
Shoemaker Island FSM Proof of Concept Report Shoemaker Island FSM Proof of Concept Report.pdf30.74 MB
Nest-site selection by Interior Least Terns and Piping Plovers at managed, off-channel sites along the Central Platte River in Nebraska, USA Baasch et al 2017.pdf1.04 MB
2016 Channel Geomorphology and In-Channel Vegetation Report FINAL Platte_River_Geomorph_Veg_2016.pdf14.35 MB
PRRIP 2016 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report PRRIP 2016 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report.pdf3.46 MB
PRRIP Adjustments to Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol, 2001-2017 PRRIP Adjustments to Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol, 2001-2017.pdf96.47 KB
Correlates of Whooping Crane Habitat Selection and Trends in Use in the Central Platte River Correlates of Whooping Crane Habitat Selection and Trends in Use in the Central Platte River.pdf7.43 MB
PRRIP Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Migrational Habitat Use in the Central Platte River Valley-2017 PRRIP Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Migrational Habitat Use in the Central Platte River Valley-2017.pdf997.21 KB
PRRIP 2015 - 2016 Biennial Report PRRIP 2015 - 2016 Biennial Report.pdf4.55 MB
2017 February LAC Minutes 2017 February LAC Minutes.pdf43.16 KB
Interior Least Tern Productivity in Relation to Flow in the Central Platte River Valley Baasch et al 2017 - Interior least tern productivity in relation to flow in the central Platte River valley (1).pdf715.74 KB
2017 February WAC minutes 2017 February WAC minutes.pdf454.22 KB
March 9 2017 FINAL PRRIP 2015 State of the Platte March 9 2017 FINAL PRRIP 2015 State of the Platte.pdf4.78 MB
2017 February TAC Minutes 2017 February TAC Minutes.pdf468.6 KB
Reproductive ecology of interior least tern and piping plover in relation to Platte River hydrology and sandbar dynamics Farnsworth_et_al-2017-Ecology_and_Evolution (1).pdf1.23 MB
2016 October WAC Minutes 2016 October WAC Minutes.pdf28.65 KB
2016 August LAC Minutes 2016 August LAC Minutes.pdf152.92 KB
Sediment Augmentation Material Unit Weight Memo (2017) SedAugMaterialUnitWeight_Memo.pdf433.87 KB
FINAL Master PRRIP FY2017 Work Plan FINAL Master PRRIP FY2017 Work Plan.pdf9.49 MB
FINAL Master PRRIP FY2017 Budget FINAL Master PRRIP FY2017 Budget.pdf118.49 KB