Program document library

Title Document(s) Publication Date
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Fall 2010 PRRIP 2011_Fall 2010 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf1.06 MB
1D Hydraulic Sediment Transport Model Final Report HDR Eng 2011_1D Sediment Model (Final).pdf18.43 MB
Wet Meadow Literature and Information Review PRRIP Final Wet Meadows Information Review.pdf315.69 KB
Nebraska Ground Water Recharge Pre-Feasibility Study (FINAL) PRRIP 2010_Groundwater Recharge Pre-Feas Study_Final.pdf5.71 MB
PRRIP Platte River Water Quality 2009 Monitoring Season Annual Data Summary Report PRRIP 2010_Water Quality_2009 Data Summary Report_FINAL.pdf3.12 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Spring 2010 PRRIP 2010_Spring 2010 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf1.44 MB
Platte River from the Lexinton to Odessa Bridges Sediment Augmentation Experiment Alternatives Screening Study Summary Report PRRIP 2010_Sed Aug Feasibility Study Report (Final).pdf7.39 MB
2009 PRRIP Water Action Plan Update PRRIP 2010_ 2009 WAC Update.pdf539.4 KB
Response to Findings in the Final 2009 Independent Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) Report to the Governance Committee PRRIP 2010_PRRIP Response to 2009 ISAC Findings.pdf330.46 KB
Sediment Augmentation Experiment Alternatives Screening Report Sediment Augmentation Experiment Alternatives Screening Report.pdf17.25 MB
PRRIP CNPPID Reregulating Reservoir Elwood and J-2 Alternatives Analysis Project Report PRRIP 2010_Elwood and J-2 Alternatives Analysis.pdf58.87 MB
Year 1 (2009) Report Channel Geomorphology and In-Channel Vegetation Monitoring of the Central Platte River PRRIP 2010_Year 1 (2009) Report on Geomorphology and Vegetation Monitoring.pdf2.04 MB
PRRIP 2008-2009 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report PRRIP 2008-2009 Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Report.pdf3.35 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Fall 2009 PRRIP 2010_Fall 2009 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf592.99 KB
Feasibility Study-Elm Creek Regulatory Reservoir: Elm Creek Watershed-Dawson and Buffalo Counties PRRIP 2010_Elm Creek Reservoir Feasibility Study.pdf4.18 MB
2009 Platte River Flow Routing Test: Results, Information Gleaned, Lessons Learned PRRIP 2009_2009 Platte River Flow Routing Test.pdf4.19 MB
2009 ISAC Presentation 2009 ISAC Presentation_0.pdf1.55 MB
2009 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC 2009 ISAC Report to the PRRIP GC.pdf1.77 MB
Independent Science Advisory Committee 2009 Report on the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program ISAC 2009_2009 ISAC Report on PRRIP.pdf1.76 MB
Piping Plover (Charandrius melodus) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation USFWS 2009_2009 Piping Plover 5-Year Review.pdf1.09 MB