Program document library

Title Document(s) Publication Date
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Spring 2009 PRRIP 2009_Spring 2009 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf1.27 MB
Data Analysis and Summary Report for May 2008 Natural High Flow Event PRRIP 2009_Report for May 2008 High Flow Even.pdf7.35 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Fall 2008 PRRIP 2009_Fall 2008 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf941.96 KB
Water Management Study Phase II - Evaluation of Pusle Flows for the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program PRRIP 2008_Water Management Phase II Report.pdf6.02 MB
Whooping Crane Migrational Habitat Use in the Central Platte River during the Cooperative Agreement Period, 2001-2006 PRRIP 2008_WC Use in Central Platte During CA.pdf1.63 MB
Pallid Sturgeon Literature Review Final Report to the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program Peters and Parham 2008_Pallid Sturgeon Lit Review.pdf830.64 KB
Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover Reproductive Monitoring During the Cooperative Agreement (2001-2006), Central Platte River, Nebraska PRRIP 2008_LTPP Reproductive Monitoring During the CA.pdf103.1 KB
PRRIP Structured Decision Making Workshop Final Report PRRIP 2008_Structured Decision Making Workshop_Draft.pdf310.34 KB
Platte River in Central Nebraska Modeling of Pulse-Flow Release Randle and Samad 2008_Modeling of Pulse-Flow Release.pdf1.7 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Spring 2008 PRRIP 2008_Spring 2008 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf429.02 KB
Tern and Plover Monitoring Protocol Implementation Report for 2006 PRRIP 2008_LTPP Monitoring Protocol Implementation for 2006.pdf606.26 KB
Tern and Plover Monitoring Protocol Implementation Report for 2007 PRRIP 2008_LTPP Monitoring Protocol Implementation for 2007.pdf741.31 KB
Water Management Study Phase I - Evaluation of Pulse Flows for the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program PRRIP 2008_Water Management Phase I Report.pdf2.46 MB
Whooping Crane Data Analysis Methods Summary USBR 2008_WC Data Analysis Methods Summary.pdf285.04 KB
Project Update Report Platte River Restoration and Enhancement Project PRRIP 2008_Platte River Restoration and Enhancement Update.pdf1.21 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Fall 2007 PRRIP 2007_Fall 2007 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf249.53 KB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Spring 2007 PRRIP 2007_Spring 2007 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf913.49 KB
Platte River Program Baseline Document PRRIP 2007_Program Baseline Document.pdf1.9 MB
Implementation of the Whooping Crane Monitoring Protocol – Fall 2006 PRRIP 2007_Fall 2006 WC Monitoring Protocol Implementation.pdf769.09 KB
Colorado's Plan for Future Depletions PRRIP 2006_CO Plan for Future Depletions.pdf133.59 KB